The Student Room Group

🌱Biodiversity and Heritage🏰

🌱Biodiversity and Heritage🏰

Did you know?

Our campus is situated in a unique historical space within the outer precinct of St Augustine’s Abbey, a significant part of Canterbury’s UNESCO World Heritage site, including the Cathedral and St Martin’s Church. 

🏰 St Augustine’s (Benedictine) Abbey was home to monks from 598 to 1538.  
Remains of the abbey are still visible on our campus today, with the gable end wall of the old monastic brew and bakehouse still standing; further walls are visible under our Daphne Oram creative arts building.


🌱 Even though our campus is city-based, we have loads of green spaces; for example, in our orchard, we grow an apple thought to have been introduced by the Normans called Cat’s Head! 🍏 😸

🌱 We also have a hop garden, herb garden, and a nuttery (for our Kentish cobnuts).

Proud of our deep roots within Canterbury, we have chosen to honour one of the centuries-old traditions that have taken place on our site - making our own beer with our own hops! 🍻

To find more information about our Biodiversity and heritage:


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