The Student Room Group

Occupational therapy course recommendations

I’m thinking of doing OT at uni and I’m just wondering if anyone doing a OT course could tell me what the course is like and how u balance placement and uni work at the same time
Original post by Emmaa7379
I’m thinking of doing OT at uni and I’m just wondering if anyone doing a OT course could tell me what the course is like and how u balance placement and uni work at the same time

Book some uni open days. Attend the course talks and then go and talk to staff and students. All unis organise placements differently - check the timings (they might be in normal uni holidays) and the locations. Use the following tool to search for approved courses:
Original post by Emmaa7379
I’m thinking of doing OT at uni and I’m just wondering if anyone doing a OT course could tell me what the course is like and how u balance placement and uni work at the same time

Hi @Emmaa7379 ,

OT Student here! The course for me personally is great, it's very interesting and helps you to really understand the importance of each person engaging in the simplest of tasks daily. Without studying OT, I don't think I would understand the importance of occupation and activity analysis etc.

In terms of balancing Placement and University studying at the same time - it does get difficult but it is also possible! It obviously does depend on what type of Placement you have, where you stay, duration of travel, intensity of work during Placement, the supervisor you are allocated. However, a good tip is to always plan meetings with University staff before beginning Placement to put in any additional support measurements in place to help during Placement, if you may need it. So for example, if you have caring responsibilities.

Usually, so long as you communicate with your on placement supervisor it does make the process run smoother, and at times if you have spare pockets or windows free, you could ask to complete work related to University (if your supervisor is in knowledge and agreement of this).

Always try to keep in deadlines and do work as and when you can, so it does not gather last minute and you struggle while on Placement. Hope this helps 🙂

University of Bradford

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