The Student Room Group

Are my GCSE grades good enough for a Russell group uni?

I want to study social work at a russell group uni but im scared my grades are too low. I really want to go Birmingham and Nottingham would be my insurance but im scared they wont accept me since they are average grades. Im currently doing a btec level 3 in health and social care with a predicted grade of D*D*D. I also failed 2 GCSEs and idk if it will put them off. These are my grades

Maths - 4
English language - 5
English Literature - 6
RS - 5
Combined Science 5-5
French - 4
Health and social care - 3
Textiles - 1

With social work they prefer the btec that im doing so thats an advantage. Do i still stand a chance??
It depends what you are applying for and exactly where. The 4 in maths would be an issue for some maths/science based degrees, for instance. Some Unis may use GCSE quality as a way of selecting on very popular courses.

However most look at the A levels only and you would be fine. Check out the university entry requirements for the social work courses to see if they specify any GCSE grades and also how manyGCSEs you have to have, and if you meet those then you are fine, they won't ask for more.
Reply 2
It doesnt matter where you apply for Social Work - no-one who employs you in the future will care.
All Social work degrees are accredited, they are therefore equal, and you gain nothing from being a 'better' Uni, however you think you can measure that.
As above, RG isn't a stamp of quality, espeically for that subject area. They may or may not be the best unis for you.

I don't imagine social work will be ultra competitive, so it's more a case of making sure you meet any minimum Eng and Maths requirements. Very unlikely to scrutinise your whole GCSE results.

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