The Student Room Group


Hi! I really need a job ASAP and barely anyone gets back to me. Does anyone know where and how I can get one ASAP and what to add to my CV that will make me stand out.
Not given us much to go on, like your qualifications and interests.

Seriously, register with local agencies and use online jobsites with the parameters set to your areas of interest and the distance to the workplace.

Your CV needs to be tailored for each job you apply for, so have one with everything in it that you can amend accordingly. Use facts and figures to demonstrate your abilities, rather than generic buzzwords like 'reliable', 'good teamworker' etc.
Original post by kez20
Hi! I really need a job ASAP and barely anyone gets back to me. Does anyone know where and how I can get one ASAP and what to add to my CV that will make me stand out.

Try websites such as
Also try fast food placess, such as mdonalds. They take on a lot of students.
Original post by kez20
Hi! I really need a job ASAP and barely anyone gets back to me. Does anyone know where and how I can get one ASAP and what to add to my CV that will make me stand out.

I really need a job ASAP
Why the urgency? Whilst you should get a job ASAP in general, it's often not explicitly stated in threads such as these. If people do, they usually have a reason for stating so.

barely anyone gets back to me
Have you chased up the status of your applications? If the company gets a lot of applications or is usually busy, your application can sometimes get lost in the backlog.

Does anyone know where and how I can get one ASAP
Depends on the type of work. Some jobs are easier than others. Some have very unsociable hours, and if you have specific commitments during the day (e.g. college, uni, family), they can work against you.

what to add to my CV that will make me stand out.
Again, depends on the individual job. There's no point n me telling you do a life guard certificate if you are applying for work in IT.

Be specific, and include a lot more detail.

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