If I take a gap year, with the grades A*BB, or ABB (which I may potentially get, although I am really hoping for A*,A,B), what are the odds that I would get an offer to study law if I apply for Southampton and Birmingham uni? Both of these uni’s entry requirements are AAA, but i understand they normally let people in who miss these requirements slightly? Many thanks for any answers, it is very appreciated!e
Unlikely if you have achieved grades below their offer. This isnt the same as predicted grades - there is no chance of you raising your game and getting better grades in August.
Those 'grades they got in with' stats are totally misleading as they include contextual offers, mitigating circumstances, special access schemes etc - they dont mean 'we'll accept anyone with achieved grades this low'.
Unlikely if you have achieved grades below their offer. This isnt the same as predicted grades - there is no chance of you raising your game and getting better grades in August. Those 'grades they got in with' stats are totally misleading as they include contextual offers, mitigating circumstances, special access schemes etc - they dont mean 'we'll accept anyone with achieved grades this low'.
Thanks for the reply! During early clearing though, Southampton had the entry requirements at ABB? So I could wait until early clearing next year and apply, but surely if they’re accepting ABB now, they would accept ABB then?
Thanks for the reply! During early clearing though, Southampton had the entry requirements at ABB? So I could wait until early clearing next year and apply, but surely if they’re accepting ABB now, they would accept ABB then?
Firstly, check that this isnt just for International applicants. Then, be aware that what is in Clearing now may not necessarily be in Clearing in August - or be the same next year.
Firstly, check that this isnt just for International applicants. Then, be aware that what is in Clearing now may not necessarily be in Clearing in August - or be the same next year.
Hi McGinger, thanks for the reply! I spoke to the clearing hotline for Southampton and discussed the law course with them and they said that if I get ABB, I should be able to get into the law course. However when I spoke to the speaker for the law course on the open day, they said that I would need to get AAA, so I’m not really sure