Im in yr 10 and will be going into yr 11 in September.. just got my first mocks result back..
i got a 5 in English lit and lang , a 5 in Spanish, a 5 in geman , a 5 in combined science, a 4 in maths and a 6 in geography….
I struggle with my mental health and it really impacts me and every thing feels too hard sometimes and i am not a productive person and self discipline feels painful and motivation is never there ….so i left revision to the night before my exams… and honestly apart from Spanish and English i made minimal effort- maths did zero revision because i couldn’t bring myself to care about my future because i didn’t want one… geography did barely any revision and had missed half my lessons… English i did revision the weekend before my exam as both English papers were on a Monday…
Now the pastoral team were proud of me….im not…i feel i should of made a effort with revision but honestly everything feels too difficult even fun stuff… with the summer approaching I want to do revision through so im a bit more prepared for November mocks which are very important but my depressed brain seriously cant be bothered to do anything… and i dont know how to spend my summer in general
Also as soon as i have time to revise i always cant be bothered and it feels to overwhelming and then i think i dont care about my future and wont be here in the future so dont do enough revision then i feel bad and feel im lazy, im a faliure
As much as i want to revise to get good grades i feel i seriously cant and cant be bothered and ot feels so hard but then i feel lazy for it but it also feels so overwhelming and difficult
Help please