- [ ] So l take the train to sixthform and I always take platform 2 and l've been doing this since September, my bf goes to another school which he is driven by car and it's far away from mine. He recently got a job this weekend and starts today, his job is the final destination of my train so we'll be taking the same train, he didn't even think to tell me this the day before, he told me he was taking my train this morning as I was already almost there and he only told me when he was 1 minute away from the station.So as I was walking up to the station I saw him and he saw me, he didn't even think to wait before the barriers which I understand because we had 5 mins until the train came but the station isn't big, so since our platform is the middle one, I thought that he could wait on the platform 4 which is right next to the barriers or even on the top of the stairs that goes down to platform 2, but no he just rushed down to plat form 2 and also to mention, one of his old friend goes to my school so also takes the train and I’ve voiced to him that I do not like him for my own reasons and he knows this, so as I made my way by myself to platform 2 I saw him speaking with this so called friend and my bf tried to say hi to me but I was upset he couldn’t wait for me so I walked away and a bit down the platform. I thought he would’ve followed behind and I asked him to but he had the audacity to tell me to come back even tho he knows I’m uncomfortable around his friend and so in the 5 mins that it took for the train to arrive, my bf never even walked down to me, and it’s embarrassing because everyone that is on the platform I go to school with knows I have a bf but we were on other sides of the platform as if we don’t know eachother and I’m just disappointed, mad and sad and I’m writing this to know if I have any right to be, I need opinions