The Student Room Group

I’m starting university in September

Hi every one I think I’m not ready for university one is because it’s 20x harder than school. I feel pretty sacred because my level writing skills is not soo good but still can learn before starting university. Their something that is making me scared for starting university because it can happen that I quit university. I’m thing made to find a job instead of going to university but I have no idea where to start look and for what
Original post by Matadd
Hi every one I think I’m not ready for university one is because it’s 20x harder than school. I feel pretty sacred because my level writing skills is not soo good but still can learn before starting university. Their something that is making me scared for starting university because it can happen that I quit university. I’m thing made to find a job instead of going to university but I have no idea where to start look and for what

Hi :smile: First of all, it's completely understandable that you're feeling nervous about starting university, you definitely wont be alone in feeling that way.

What university are you hoping to go to? have you looked into their student support services? this would be a good place to start so you're familiar with what help is available to you as a student there. What is it that you're most nervous about? I am sure there are lots of current uni students who have felt the same and would be willing to share some advice for you!

Hope this helps
Reply 2
Original post by CamembertPaws
Hi :smile: First of all, it's completely understandable that you're feeling nervous about starting university, you definitely wont be alone in feeling that way.
What university are you hoping to go to? have you looked into their student support services? this would be a good place to start so you're familiar with what help is available to you as a student there. What is it that you're most nervous about? I am sure there are lots of current uni students who have felt the same and would be willing to share some advice for you!
Hope this helps

I’m going to university of east London studying photography I’m sacred that I won’t make it through The whole year it can happen that stress out witch it has as happened at school it can lead of giving up
Original post by Matadd
Hi every one I think I’m not ready for university one is because it’s 20x harder than school. I feel pretty sacred because my level writing skills is not soo good but still can learn before starting university. Their something that is making me scared for starting university because it can happen that I quit university. I’m thing made to find a job instead of going to university but I have no idea where to start look and for what


It’s completely understandable to feel worried about going to uni. A lot of people do, even if they don’t openly say it.

I have found, to my surprise, that uni is a lot easier for me than I found school. This is because the way uni works is more my style of learning, whereas at school it wasn’t and I did find it quite difficult at times. I completed my undergraduate last year, with a first class degree and won the subject award, and I’m now completely my masters degree. This is not to say you will find uni easier than school but you might find the different way of learning may suit you better!

Have you gone to any open days or offer holder days? These are really good to find out about the support you can get whilst at university. Remember that first year is a year to help students adapt to university life and introduce them to their course. During this year you’ll learn more about academic writing styles! There’s no harm in asking for help and it’s regularly encouraged.

Good luck!
Suzan - Student Ambassador
Original post by Matadd
Hi every one I think I’m not ready for university one is because it’s 20x harder than school. I feel pretty sacred because my level writing skills is not soo good but still can learn before starting university. Their something that is making me scared for starting university because it can happen that I quit university. I’m thing made to find a job instead of going to university but I have no idea where to start look and for what

Hi @Matadd ,

It is understandable that you are feeling this way, it can be a big change moving from school to university so lots of people do feel a bit worried about this change and the change in the difficulty of the work. However, many people don't find the change as bad as they were expecting to so try not to worry too much about this.

You will find that you pick up things quicker than you might be expecting. In first year, the tutors will be good at explaining things and they will know that a lot of things are new for people so you will not be expected to know everything straight away. You can ask as many questions as you want to make sure that you are understanding things and I have found that tutors are good at answering emails if you have extra questions on your work. There will also likely be some opportunity for formative feedback so you can get some feedback on some of your work before you had it in which is really helpful to achieve better grades.

At some universities they also do skills sessions so you can work on some of your skills to make sure that you know what you are doing. I would take advantage of all of these things as you are paying for it!

I also agree that going to an offer holder day might ease some of your worries. You can speak to people there about the support they offer and what kinds of things you might be doing and you can see how much if it is new to you. Universities will tend to be good at explaining things like this on offer holder days to ease some of the student's minds.

Also, just remember that everyone will be in the same position as you! University is new for everyone when you start so isn't just you that will be feeling like this.

I hope some of this helps,

Lucy -SHU student ambassador.
Original post by Matadd
I’m going to university of east London studying photography I’m sacred that I won’t make it through The whole year it can happen that stress out witch it has as happened at school it can lead of giving up

Hey @Matadd 🙂 As some others have said here already - it's totally normal to feel this way and I promise lots of other people will be feeling similar.

Try to keep an open mind and think of uni as being a fresh start - you've done well enough to get in to your course and you worked hard to deserve it! If you weren't capable they wouldn't have made you the offer of study - so reassure yourself by knowing that they'd like you to study with them because you're capable.

One thing that could help is to reach out to the University in advance and ask if there's anything you can do to help prepare you for your first year of study. If you email the department you could maybe ask for some additional reading or the course syllabus so you can mentally prepare yourself for the year ahead. Sometimes having more information can make you feel a bit more in control of what's coming next. I echo some of the advice around using the University's support services too - especially their skills classes could give you a bit of support and confidence.

Wishing you loads of luck! I'll also tag @University of East London in case there's any uni specific advice they might be able to help with 🤗

Caitlin 🎓️
Official University of Strathclyde Rep
Original post by CamembertPaws
Hi :smile: First of all, it's completely understandable that you're feeling nervous about starting university, you definitely wont be alone in feeling that way.
What university are you hoping to go to? have you looked into their student support services? this would be a good place to start so you're familiar with what help is available to you as a student there. What is it that you're most nervous about? I am sure there are lots of current uni students who have felt the same and would be willing to share some advice for you!
Hope this helps

Hi there!

It's completely normal to be worried about starting university. It can appear very difficult and daunting looking at it from outside. In terms of being afraid because you worry about your skill level, I would suggest not allowing this to be the deciding factor in whether you attend university or not.

Many university offer learning support plans to assist students who struggle with their academics, it could be in terms of writing, English skills etc. These support plans help students who struggle with uni work some help in how they are graded or assessed.It is also possible to have tutors at university that would help specifically with writing skills. This way you do not feel it is completely hopeless.

If you are worried about whether or not it is for you, I would suggest talking with people close to you and seeking advice from people who have attended university to give you their opinion on how they found it and whether it was worth it for them.

If you also have a particular subject you are interested in and feel that going to university would help you develop a better understanding of the area and possibly lead to a career you would find enjoyable or rewarding, I would say it is worth giving university a try.

Aside from that, there are many different opportunities in terms of apprenticeships that offer more practical ways of learning and developing yourself in an area that you could engage with if you are still unsure of attending university.

I would recommend that you do mot let fear stop you from trying something new, often times the fear of the thing is worse than the thing itself. There are a lot of support offered at university so do not be turned away because of this.

Best of luck,
Lancaster University Student Ambassador,
Original post by Matadd
Hi every one I think I’m not ready for university one is because it’s 20x harder than school. I feel pretty sacred because my level writing skills is not soo good but still can learn before starting university. Their something that is making me scared for starting university because it can happen that I quit university. I’m thing made to find a job instead of going to university but I have no idea where to start look and for what

Hey Matadd!

Try not to worry too much, starting university can be a really fun but nervous experience for everyone!

When it comes to writing, a lot of universities have services which can help you with this and guide you with how to write academically - I would definitely have a look at this when you start if this is something you are worried about!

When looking for jobs at university, see if there is a careers service at your university. We have one at UCLan who advertise jobs for students in the local area!

I hope this helps,

-Rebecca, UCLan
Hi Matdd,

It's really good that you reached out regarding this - so nice to see so much support out there too!

I'd recommend looking at the well-being options at the University you are going to be attending as well as perhaps reaching out to the Student Union, you would be surprised how many students are in a similar position and feeling the exact same way as you.

Following the Uni's social media accounts can always be really helpful, seeing what support is actually available for you. If you haven't yet been to the campus I'd definitely suggest booking a campus tour before you start in September. This way you can visualise your first few weeks and of course ask all the questions you need to.

Hoping this helps.

Wishing you all the very best,
Original post by Matadd
Hi every one I think I’m not ready for university one is because it’s 20x harder than school. I feel pretty sacred because my level writing skills is not soo good but still can learn before starting university. Their something that is making me scared for starting university because it can happen that I quit university. I’m thing made to find a job instead of going to university but I have no idea where to start look and for what

Hey! It's pretty normal to feel worried about moving to a new environment /adjusting to a new way of learning:hugs:First year is usually about getting everyone to the same standard of learning which is why a lot of the modules are introductory ones. Most people go straight into First year but there are also foundation years too (I did one myself). Like some of the others have mentioned, student support services are really helpful. Most universities will also probably have a department librarian who I found was SO HELPFUL :love: They had different sessions put on throughout the academic year which covered different things like referencing, essay writing at university, how to revise for online exams vs in person exams (because of the covid) things like that.

When I first started uni, I also struggled with a few things like organisation and finishing exams (I think one of the staff noticed eventually) and someone must have suggested I contact the disability office who sent me for an assessment, turns out I was actually pretty badly dyslexic but because I'd fallen through the cracks and somehow managed to pass my GCSE's no one ever thought 'lets get them assessed' :nah:

Regarding jobs, there are definitely part time jobs out there you could get alongside studying. Popular types of jobs for students are usually anything in supermarkets, retail, fast food, coffee shops etc.
(edited 1 month ago)

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