The Student Room Group

part time job for 18yo

jobs you'd recommend for an 18yo with autism? be realistic pls
Original post by dsttstshtsjtajjt
jobs you'd recommend for an 18yo with autism? be realistic pls

In terms of being realistic that really depends on what you struggle with personally. I would recommend animal work. I recommend contacting dog walkers, kennels and catteries as they may need an extra pair of hands. These shifts are often 4h (maybe be 8). It would involve minimal work with different people and is likely to be the same work repeated so that you know what to expect
Original post by flamingolover
In terms of being realistic that really depends on what you struggle with personally. I would recommend animal work. I recommend contacting dog walkers, kennels and catteries as they may need an extra pair of hands. These shifts are often 4h (maybe be 8). It would involve minimal work with different people and is likely to be the same work repeated so that you know what to expect

ehh animal work isn't really for me. is there anything else you'd recommend? i'm fine with interacting with people as long as it's not a fast paced environment
Original post by Anonymous594
ehh animal work isn't really for me. is there anything else you'd recommend? i'm fine with interacting with people as long as it's not a fast paced environment

Some charity shops pay people, these may be suitable. Some employers pay you do do call centre work from home. Maybe some agriculture farm work but these jobs tend to not be part time
Original post by flamingolover
Some charity shops pay people, these may be suitable. Some employers pay you do do call centre work from home. Maybe some agriculture farm work but these jobs tend to not be part time

thank you
Original post by dsttstshtsjtajjt
jobs you'd recommend for an 18yo with autism? be realistic pls

Garden centre. minimal human interaction but you’d have to tend to the plants and the environment. You may have to answer some customer questions if they see you about but this would be less than if you were staff working on a till or in a cafe etc.

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