The Student Room Group

Another article on King's actually working to improve student satisfaction

(in response to the NSS results 2024).

I also linked these in a previous post . . .

is apparent in a number of articles.

an article explaining collaboration between KCL and KCLSU to improve the student experience
KCL’s submission for the 2023 TEF outlining actions that are being taken to remedy perennial issues in assessment & feedback,organisation etc.
a job advertisement for Student Success Transformation Programme Director
“The programme aims to deliver significant change, working with our education community to address perennial areas of studentand staff dissatisfaction and operational challenge.”
“We have listened to the community and categorised into three broad themes the challenges which provide an overall design ofour student success transformation programme: Student Services (e.g. information, advice & guidance, pastoral support, well-being and community), Assessment & Feedback (policy, processes and systems), and Education Services (enterprise-scaleprocesses and systems).”

i looked at NSS results for 2022, and 2023, and KCL managed to improve in every single category - so we can hope to startseeing even greater improvement in student experience. I know this has been KCL's biggest weakness and hence its lowerposition in UK league tables.

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