The Student Room Group

Requesting a new postgraduate loan.

Hi there,

I was wondering if someone could help me?

I left my postgraduate course last year due to lots of stress accumulating to serious mental health issues. I have evidence of me requesting the university counsellors and the fact I left my course early. There is more evidence of this however it got locked when they suspended my studies.

I know I can move the 8k loan over to the next year if that is correct? However, my next course this year is in London, so do you think there is any chance of getting a new PG loan based on what I have ? or is there no point trying? I only want to try and attain the 12k back purely because London is going to be expensive.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Hi Tom,

We wouldn't move the left over entitlement to the next time you apply as you can usually only apply once and if you leave the course, the only way you would receive the remainder of your entitlement if you suspended and return from where you left off within a 2 year period.

Can you confirm if you have left the course and want to start from the beginning of the course again or start a new course? Or are you resuming on the same course you temporarily suspended from?

Thanks, Clare
Reply 2
Apologies, I meant that I have been suspended from my other university as that was the advise given by sfe. Then I was advised that I can ‘transfer in’ via my new university and get my loan entitlement ?

My main wonder was do I have a valid claim to request a new loan given I’ll be living in London and I left for mental health issues or is it not worth trying?

Hi tombowley28,

How long will you have been suspended for before you transfer into the new course? Are you starting the new course from the beginning or part way through the year?

Thanks, Clare
Reply 4
Suspended in April, starting start of next university year. Couple of months.
Hi tombowley28

Can you clarify if you are starting the new course from the beginning or part way through?

Thanks, Clare
Reply 6
A new course. I was told it could be transferred over if it was suspended by my other university through a transfer process.
Hi tombowley28,

Thank you for confirming. If it is a transfer, your new university would send a transfer Change of Circumstances through on our shared system and you would receive the remainder of your Postgraduate Loan entitlement.

If you are starting from the beginning and require a new full Postgraduate Loan, your old university would need to send a withdrawal Change of Circumstances to confirm that you are not resuming from where you left the course and you would need to post a paper application form for the new course for the correct academic year.

You would need to provide evidence of your Compelling Personal Reasons such as a letter from your GP that confirms what happened, when it happened and how it directly impacted your studies to show why you couldn't complete the previous course.

Postgraduate Loans (SFE)
Student Finance England
PO Box 210

Thanks, Clare

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