The Student Room Group

Uninviting friends?

So there’s a meetup happening with some friends, and we are all pretty close aside from this one girl, we’ll call her Sarah. Sarah was invited, but she doesn’t like a couple of guys in the group, and they don’t like her much either, and are begging for me to uninvite her. If she stays the group will be quite large, and we may split up and it’ll be me and her, and she has been involved in drugs and drink and stuff and I’m a bit worried she might show up high or hungover to the meet-up. Should I uninvite her, and if so how, or should I just try and stick with the rest of the group and attempt to socialise with them too (this might result in her being left out.) 😭😭
Reply 1
It’s pretty mean to uninvite someone. I would leave as is, don’t actively exclude her, but it’s her responsibility to interact and get on with people. Deal with the drink / drug issue if it arises and of course you can decide if you invite her to future events.
If you do decide to uninvite her there’s no easy way other that explain the situation and say that because of that you’d rather she didn’t come.
Reply 2
Original post by Zarek
It’s pretty mean to uninvite someone. I would leave as is, don’t actively exclude her, but it’s her responsibility to interact and get on with people. Deal with the drink / drug issue if it arises and of course you can decide if you invite her to future events.
If you do decide to uninvite her there’s no easy way other that explain the situation and say that because of that you’d rather she didn’t come.

Yeah, I know it’s mean. The thing is she doesn’t rlly like the other guys, and I feel like shes gonna refuse to talk to them and then I’ll be run ragged with trying to keep the group together 😭 I’ve told the guys to deal with it, and hopefully it will be ok, but thanks for replying x
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous
Yeah, I know it’s mean. The thing is she doesn’t rlly like the other guys, and I feel like shes gonna refuse to talk to them and then I’ll be run ragged with trying to keep the group together 😭 I’ve told the guys to deal with it, and hopefully it will be ok, but thanks for replying x

Good work. Hope it goes ok

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