The Student Room Group

Ready to come out as gay at work

I work in retail and my family, friends don’t know I’m gay, but I’m ready to start telling friends, I’m never telling my parents.

Recently at work I’ve been a little off as I’ve had this on my mind, it’s made me be a little over sensitive and off with my manager. I told my manager I don’t think they like me, and I feel terrible.

Would it be a good idea to come out to my manager?

Should I write a letter to apologise? What is the best way of doing this?

Thank you.
I think you should embrace everything you are and whoever doesn't like it can go away. I know you may face hostility from undesirable folk, but that's an indication that you need to surround yourself with good people who love you for who you are. I'm guessing you're a young adult, and I know very well how hard it is because you want to fit in and don't want to cause any problems, but you will likely learn in your late 20s and 30s that self-respect is the fire that'll burn right through people problems. Be proud of yourself and what you represent and nothing can stop you.
And some people will surprise you and some disappoint you and other's will be in the middle. But then you know.
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous
I work in retail and my family, friends don’t know I’m gay, but I’m ready to start telling friends, I’m never telling my parents.
Recently at work I’ve been a little off as I’ve had this on my mind, it’s made me be a little over sensitive and off with my manager. I told my manager I don’t think they like me, and I feel terrible.
Would it be a good idea to come out to my manager?
Should I write a letter to apologise? What is the best way of doing this?
Thank you.

no. work is work, leave your personal life at the front door.

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