The Student Room Group

Glasgow Accomodation

Can someone tell me which halls first years are put into?
I heard that murano street was where most 1st years go, do u have the choice? I would really hate to be put in somewhere like cairncross...where some 1st years have to share!

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Reply 1
Murano houses the vast majority of students, but Queen Margaret is probably the most popular choice. You can say where you want to apply for. If you put Murano first then you'd probably get put there.
Reply 2
You put down halls in order of preference on your application. Some are for postgraduates, like Kelvinhaugh Gate. The main undergraduate ones are:

Murano: the largest halls, with small (4-5) and large (10-12) flats. They're not ensuite but there's enough toilets and showers so you rarely have to wait. Has a reputation for being the most partying halls but that depends on your flatmates.

Queen Margaret: all ensuite, small flats (5 people). Has a reputation for being quieter but again, depends on your flatmates.

Wolfson: catered, some ensuite, some not. It's not on campus, it's up near the vet school so it has a lot of vet students. There's buses that go to campus though. Has a reputation for being the most close-nit due to the catered style.

Cairncross: some have to share but most don't, it's luck of the draw. It's more hostel style, with long corridors. There's not individual flats, as far as I know.

Student apartments: on the doorstep of uni but you'll probably have to share a room. They're flats of about 5 people.
Reply 3
thanks alot! thats everything i wanted to know and more!
Reply 4
I'm in Murano at the moment. We're not much of a party flat, but I'm sure others are.
It's all pretty good. Bit overpriced, but hey.
Queen Margaret: the flats with carpets. :p:
Reply 6
Well, I looked through the lists and I didn't see any threads about accomodation regarding University of Glasgow so I thought I'd start one. Just wondering where people have put as their first choice (if they have already applied as online applications have opened). I put down a large single room in Cairncross. Reasons being is that I know someone who lives in Queen Margaret and says that its really quiet but nice rooms, and if you live in Murano you dont get alot of sleep, but if you wanna go to any of the parties that happen at Murano you can just go anyway, and you'd be meeting loads of different people anyway because of the three subject thing :smile:
Reply 7
I'm going to put Murano as my first choice, granted I get in. Since there is limited spaces at Cairncross, QM and Student Apartments etc the majority usually get bunged in Murano. I've known people to have not put down Murano as a choice at all, get put in Murano and end up being very glad it happened. It's not constant parties there, although you do get a far few :smile: Just seems to me as a better way to meet people in Murano. The only thing I would mind about Murano is the hill of death you need to walk to get to it!
this is probaly an incredibly stupid question, but how do you apply for accomodation? Do they contact you once you've firmed?
I thought Murano was a sh*thole when I went to see it. I hear the student life there is really good, but the actual accomodation seemed dire. Maybe I'm just really slow, but it seemed to be a 25 minute walk from the uni - not the 15 minutes the guides said.

What do people think of Murano? I saw the common room in the main building and thought it was awfully small, what do people do to socialise?
Reply 10
The walk is frustrating but only takes 20 minutes depending on where you're going, so it's possible to do it in 15.

Murano is basic, but perfectly livable. As there's so many people, there's usually something going on, so you can make what you want of the student life. Can't comment on the common room as I never use it.

Socialising tends to revolve around alcohol for most people, but that's most likely the script wherever you go. Although it's not everything.

Regarding applying for accomodation, I don't think they will contact you, so go ahead and apply if it's your firm, and they'll allocate when you meet conditions if you have any.
For those who know these things (and since I have no way of checking myself): How would you summarize the different accommodation options available? How are the different places compared to each other and what is relatively cheap while still being good. I've read the university guide here at TSR but I didn't find it as extensive as I would've wished... *is a planning nerd*
Reply 12
QM Halls are the nicest and newest, ensuite and the most expensive; Cairncross is the most basic (shared rooms) but cheapest, Wolfson is catered but is miiiiles away (45min walk through not the best area), and Murano is the largest and probably the best compromise between them. Winton Drive is right next to QM halls, but I've never been there. In Cairncross you'll not be subdivided, neither will you in certain Murano houses, but most will be split into flats of five with a shared kitchen. Murano is undergoing a slow renovation though, when I helped people move in last year they are markedly nicer than when I stayed there.
Reply 13
I've applied to Caincross as my first and Murano as a second.
All the single rooms, which are not noticeably larger than the rest, are exactly the same price, regardless of which halls they're in.
Reply 14
The ensuites in QM are still single rooms, but are more expensive, due to the luxury of the ensuite. Ditto Wolfson because you get catering. Cairncross/Winton/Murano are the same cost for singles, but you save a bit by having a shared room.
Reply 15
Questions about Cairncross:
- what does it mean when you say it's 'not sub-divided'? Only one kitchen? For how many people?
- just HOW noisy is Murano? And um, how dirty? :P
- if I put Cairncross single room as my first choice, are they more likely to give me a Cairncross double if a single isn't available? Because I reeeeeeeaally don't want to share a room. :P
Reply 16
Questions about Cairncross:
- what does it mean when you say it's 'not sub-divided'? Only one kitchen? For how many people?
- just HOW noisy is Murano? And um, how dirty? :P
- if I put Cairncross single room as my first choice, are they more likely to give me a Cairncross double if a single isn't available? Because I reeeeeeeaally don't want to share a room. :P

Most people in Cairncross have to share, statistically. Im not sure what they'd do if you said you didnt want to share at all, but by the end of the year, quite a few people into private accom or back home, so there is considerably less people sharing- apparently, most people like it by the end of it, even if they didn't at the start. At the end of my time in Murano, there was only 2/5 left in my flat, I don't know where they all go, since the dropout rates only about 1 in 8 first years. No subdivision means you arent split into flats, everyone is off the one corridor. Each kitchen is to about 14 people, but they are much bigger than the flat kitchens. Any halls will be noisy, but I have seen Murano since its been refurbished, and it was pretty nice. If cairncross hasn't been done up since I was last in there (around early 06), then Murano is a bit posher as it stands.
It depends where you are in Murano. I lie with some people that think that taking out the trash is not necessary and that it is ok to do your dishes once a month. So right now (as a result of a party three weeks ago) the kitchen is disgustng and I haven't cooked at all lately. But that really depends on whom you are living with.
A friend of mine lives in Winton Drive and I must say that they have a nicer kitchen. It is bigger and they have an area with carpets, so it looks like a little sitting area. They all put their easy chairs there so it is a perfect space to hang out in the evening. Better than in Murano where we just have enough room for the table. Not very comfy to hang out there.

Furniture wise the rooms in Murano and Winton are exactly the same. I actually really like them. You get a big desk, bookshelf and so on, so everything yu would expect in a student flat.
So far i've only got one offer (conditional from glasgow) and i'm still waiting to hear from the other four. I'm just wondering if i can only apply for accommodation when/if i've chosen Glasgow as my firm or insurance or can i apply now? The reason i'm asking this is because the uni's i'm still waiting to hear from won't get back to me until the very end of march and in case i choose to go to Glasgow i don't want to end up without accommodation.. :p: Do you think it's possible that e.g. the Murano halls will be filled up quickly as they seem quite popular? (I'm an international student if that makes any difference?)
So far i've only got one offer (conditional from glasgow) and i'm still waiting to hear from the other four. I'm just wondering if i can only apply for accommodation when/if i've chosen Glasgow as my firm or insurance or can i apply now? The reason i'm asking this is because the uni's i'm still waiting to hear from won't get back to me until the very end of march and in case i choose to go to Glasgow i don't want to end up without accommodation.. :p: Do you think it's possible that e.g. the Murano halls will be filled up quickly as they seem quite popular? (I'm an international student if that makes any difference?)

You can't apply for accommodation until you have accepted your place. Also if Glasgow is your insurance choice then they will not allocate accommodation until it becomes your firm choice (if it does become you firm choice at all that is).

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