As above, A-level resits can be a major factor for some medical schools and may well rule an A-level resit applicant out of consideration.
I believe most medical schools still score 8 and 9 grades the same if they score GCSEs at all, and so the second profile would potnetially be weaker in fact because it trades some 8/9 grades for 7s to get more 9s...for potentially no benefit. Also, medical schools that score GCSEs may care about GCSE resits, whereas the ones that don't care about GCSE resits probably don't score GCSEs extensively and may just have minimum GCSE grades.
As always I think resitting GCSEs for any purpose other than getting a passing grade in English or Maths is a colossal waste of time.
Get the passes in English and maths, hopefully do well enough in other things, then carry on with A-levels and just apply to medical schools based on your strengths (whether at GCSE or at A-level).