The Student Room Group

iPad for Uni

I’m going to start my engineering degree this October and I’m planning on getting an IPad for notetaking, what’s specs would you guys recommend?
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Original post by ABhat
I’m going to start my engineering degree this October and I’m planning on getting an IPad for notetaking, what’s specs would you guys recommend?

If you already have a laptop/desktop and just want the iPad as a secondary note taking device, I would drop all the way down to the current generation of baseline iPad. It used to be a handicapped model but they really improved its feature parity with the last update, and now compared to the next model up, the iPad Air, it's going to be equally good for note taking- its display is the same size, resolution, refresh rate and even max brightness, supports the current generation and first generation Apple Pencils (not the Pencil Pro but that is very much a tool for creatives rather than offering any significant enhancements for note-taking), and while its processor is weaker that is not something that is going to be stressed by note taking and otheright tasks.

The Air has perks like a nicer display, more storage and a lot more power, but for your usage, nothing is going to make it a better note taking option and it's not even that much "airier" anymore- it's less than 3% lighter now that every iPad is really thin and they can't make the Air much thinner. You'd be paying hundreds of pounds more for some fairly redundant functionality. The next model up, the Pro, is more of the same- even more functionality and power that you won't end up using, for even more money.

The only other alternative would be the iPad Mini if you wanted something more compact, with the iPad's writing surface coming in just under A4 paper size and the iPad Mini coming in under A5.
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by ABhat
I’m going to start my engineering degree this October and I’m planning on getting an IPad for notetaking, what’s specs would you guys recommend?

An iPad Air is typically sufficient. Pair it with GoodNotes and an Apple Pencil 2, and it will meet your needs perfectly!

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