Hi, I'm just trying to sort out my accommodation for york, doing it a bit late accidentally left it kinda last minute whoops... but I've mainly sorted what i'm gonna do, just one dilema. I've put anne lister and david kato band 2 as my first and second choices, then david kato band 3 as my third choice but for my fourth choice i don't know whether to do anne lister band 3 or goodricke ensuite band 3. i would do anne lister band 3 because it's newer and looks a bit nicer (no offense to goodricke) but i think anne lister and david kato are quite a popular choice so it feels a bit risky, so that's why i'm leaning more towards putting goodricke cos i'm hoping less people would've put it, so i'll have more chance of getting one of my top 4 if that makes sense? then my last 3 choices are all shared bathroom ones on the east campus, which i wouldn't mind that much, just wanna make the right choice. i'm probably being all dramatic over nothing hahaha, just wondering if anyone has any advice! much appreciated!!