Currently in my final year of university, I recieved an ordinary degree due to not meeting the 360 credit requirement for the Hons degree. I sat and resat two modules (exam component only) and failed both sitting. My univiersity only offers one resit opportunity. I am currently writing my appeal, under the regulation in my academic handbook
Student may appeal on either or both of the following grounds: a. where there is evidence that assessment(s) may have been adversely affected by mitigating circumstances which they were unable, or for valid reasons unwilling, to make known before the original decision was reached;
University knows I have panic attacks and anxiety, in the end of 2nd year, my mother was made redundant and I had to work a full time job (51 hours per week) while studying to pay the rent and bills etc, however due to being overworked and my condition already, my mental health detoritated, and I became depressed and suicidal, as well as an increase in my panic attacks and anxiety.
In my appeal I stated all my symptoms as well as how they affected me on a day to day academically, and I will also have a GP letter to support.
I would like to request some advice on how people who have knowledge about appeals think I can improve the appeal.