Before I begin, I want to make it absolutely clear that I am in no way whatsoever defending him for what he has done but have you even given him a chance to talk to you in order to explain, most likely not, however you also need to consider the fact that there are always 2 sides to everything.
You said that he went clubbing, most likely influenced by his mates so having said that, the question I have for you is how do you know that his mates hadn't influenced him to let the girl dance all over him ?.
I have read things like this so many times since I started reading the agony columns in the newspapers 41 years ago at age 10 and the number of times I have seen stories like this is ridiculous, yet the general reply is always the same in that the person writing in has been in the same position as you but low and behold the person accused of infidelity has not or was not given a chance to put their side accross and before anybody disses me and says why should the OP even bother to hear him out ( which would be a valid question ), dont bother because just as an example, say if the situation was the other way round and the guy was the 1 being cheated on and broke things off, you'd all be saying come on give her a chance to explain, very valid point, so bearing that in mind, would there be any problem with the OP at the very least allowing the now ex boyfriend to explain his actions ?.
I'm not a drinker but I have heard many times from former friends of mine how much easier it is to essentially let your guard down which in turn leads to highly inappropriate actions and the number of times I ended up helping my former friends pick up the pieces, let's just say that I lost count after around 2,000 times over the last 35 years since I was 16 so respectfully, I know what I am talking about, from experience.