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So I'm at AS level and I got my first mock grade back for literature. I do literature, geography and maths. I got a D for literature and am dreading the rest of my results. I did WJEC AS exam maths and if you haven't heard about it, it was a really hard exam and I'm worried. I was doing Oxbridge stuff before this but after that grade I think I should stop doing it and I'm worried I'm not going to get the grades to go to universities I've really liked and am super excited to visit.
I'm going to get a tutor and hopefully someone to help improve my writing skills as it wasn't my knowledge that let me down but the way I wrote the essay somehow.
I don't really know what I'm asking but has anyone got any advice?
Reply 1
Hi, I can relate I’m at as level and on my mocks I got BBD, with the D in English lit. However for my university application I got predicted AAB with the B in English lit. It sounds like all year you have been a good student if you were doing oxbridge stuff, I’m sure your teachers will take that in account when deciding your predicted like they did with me. Remember that there is so much that cause your grade to be lower, like stress over the mock and simply that it is a mock and also probably your first time doing that exam. You have a lot of time to practice and improve :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by sleepless-italy
So I'm at AS level and I got my first mock grade back for literature. I do literature, geography and maths. I got a D for literature and am dreading the rest of my results. I did WJEC AS exam maths and if you haven't heard about it, it was a really hard exam and I'm worried. I was doing Oxbridge stuff before this but after that grade I think I should stop doing it and I'm worried I'm not going to get the grades to go to universities I've really liked and am super excited to visit.
I'm going to get a tutor and hopefully someone to help improve my writing skills as it wasn't my knowledge that let me down but the way I wrote the essay somehow.
I don't really know what I'm asking but has anyone got any advice?

One test should not be deciding your predicted grades. What grades are you working at?
Yeah I know.. it's our first ever proper exam in literature and it's going to the universities and I'm really not happy with it. The most we can get predicted is one grade above and I'm not happy. We also got zero preparation for it from teachers etc.
I'm not sure what my predicted grade is because I've never done a test before in it

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