The Student Room Group

uni choice

I'm in year 12 going to year 13 and i feel like i haven't solidified my choice for university. I've known a lot about medicine and i feel like its one that has been pushed on to me quite heavily but i just don't know if i want a job that i will take home and has a bad work life balance, but as a first gen in the UK its important for me to use all of my opportunities to access a great job but reading more into what it is to be a doctor and with my work exercise I've been thinking that though the job is fulfilling i don't know if i want a job that will be life long. I've also thought about pharmacy this has a good salary range and work life balance but the job availability seems to be quite difficult to understand as there are many different places to work. i've lastly been thinking about optometry but over spoken to some people about this option but have been told that its repetitive and have been advised that if i'm so interested i should become a doctor and then specialise as an ophthalmologist.

Overall for me im looking for a job with good : with good work life balance , good salary , job availability. If anyone has any recommendations please lmk :>

(ps. i do chem , phys, comp sci )

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