The Student Room Group

To choose between three universities

I've received offer letter from three universities located in UK to study Msc in management. But I'm confused which one to select. Between Durham University of queen mary university or Cranfield. My requirements are good job opportunities and part-time job opportunities. Please help me asap
Reply 1
Cranfield is a specialist postgrad Uni linked to UK government services - highly recommended over the other two. Durham is good if you want a 'traditional, college based University experience' in a historic city. QMUL is in London's East End, and therefore not an especially safe area, and the Uni is nothing special.
Hi @Sunil.Kumar28.

I agree with McGinger. Please read my post on this link:

At Cranfield university, there are plenty opportunities to do part time jobs with very good wages and a chance to do something you have not done before. You can also find a job in Milton Keynes, which has over 220 stores where you can try to apply. Or if you will stay in Bedford, there are also plenty shops that are looking for people.

Good luck and let us know if you need further guidance. :smile:

PhD Student
Student ambassador
Cranfield university
Reply 3
Original post by Sunil.Kumar28
I've received offer letter from three universities located in UK to study Msc in management. But I'm confused which one to select. Between Durham University of queen mary university or Cranfield. My requirements are good job opportunities and part-time job opportunities. Please help me asap

Durham is a very nice city. London is a great city to live in but expensive. It will probably have a lot if opportunities for basic part-time jobs like coffee shops etc
Reply 4
I live in the UK near London. It probably has a lot of scope for part time jobs but its an expensive city to live in. If you aren't used to big cities it might be overwhelming. It has its share of crime etc but so do most big cities.

Durham is a nice city with a lot of students. Its in the north of England which is cheaper but tends to have fewer jobs although that is a massive generalisation. Durham itself is quite affluent.

Cranfield is a bit isolated. Its near Milton Keynes which is a medium sized city but I am not sure how easy it would be to find work there assuming you'd be relying on public transport.

Purely as the best place to be a student I'd pick Durham but obviously your preference for the course itself should be a consideration.

Good luck.
(edited 6 months ago)

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