Because your house is guaranteed to be in good condition at the end of your tenancy, it’s less likely that your house will need repairs throughout the year
Landlords voluntarily sign up to the scheme which means they’re invested in providing good quality housing
You’re less likely to experience bad housing conditions
You’re more likely to have a landlord who is proactive and has a genuine duty of care for tenants
Because Snug holds landlords accountable, your landlord is more likely to want to resolve any issues quickly should they happen
Because management standards are regulated, you’re more likely to get all of your deposit back
Because your house is guaranteed to be in good condition at the end of your tenancy, it’s less likely that your house will need repairs throughout the year
Landlords voluntarily sign up to the scheme which means they’re invested in providing good quality housing
You’re less likely to experience bad housing conditions
You’re more likely to have a landlord who is proactive and has a genuine duty of care for tenants
Because Snug holds landlords accountable, your landlord is more likely to want to resolve any issues quickly should they happen
Because management standards are regulated, you’re more likely to get all of your deposit back
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