The Student Room Group

Remarks and clearing?

Hi. If I miss the grades for my firm/insurance, so I get a place in clearing, but then a remark gives me the grades I need for firm/insurance, am I committed to going to clearing or do I get the choice of going to my firm/insurance or clearing?

Thanks :smile:
Original post by astrawarrior
Hi. If I miss the grades for my firm/insurance, so I get a place in clearing, but then a remark gives me the grades I need for firm/insurance, am I committed to going to clearing or do I get the choice of going to my firm/insurance or clearing?
Thanks :smile:

If you are getting a remark, you can ask your firm/insurance to 'hold your place', whilst it happens. If you do get your required grades, they will honour your place (although this may mean that you will have to defer for September next year, if they don't have the space left).

I believe if you take up a place in clearing, there's no going back to your firm/insurance @Admit-One @PQ please correct me if I'm wrong. :smile:
For a remark UCAS will reverse a rejection and clearing acceptance if all universities involved agree.

It’s crucial that you keep your firm/insurance AND any clearing choice informed and updated that you are getting a remark.
Reply 3
And that you tell them your remark result - even if your grades don't change.

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