The Student Room Group

College/sixth form enrolment

Heyyy so basically I have a question
So my first choice college has a high entry requirement for the subject I wanna do and I’m not sure if I’ll achieve it and if I don’t I’m worried they won’t let me enroll with the subject. So I do have a backup option however the enrolment for my backup is earlier literally the day after gcse results, so what do I do? Do I miss it and risk it? Can I enroll and then also try to enroll to my first choice and if they accept me cancel my back up enrolment? Can I do that?
We’ve been told you can enrol in two if you think that you might miss a grade and not get a place at one of them. Enrol in your backup option, then if you dont get a place at your first choice you have that to fall back on. If you do get a place at your first choice then you can just send a polite email to the backup college and say you’ve accepted a place elsewhere and will not be attending. Wont you know on results day though if you’ve met the requirements?

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