The Student Room Group

Startup business

I have a lot of business ideas, I know businesses that can work in my location but have been working on my business plan forever just trying to come up with something that can impress investors
I wish I could start small just too broke
Any idea?
Original post by Gatha
I have a lot of business ideas, I know businesses that can work in my location but have been working on my business plan forever just trying to come up with something that can impress investors
I wish I could start small just too broke
Any idea?

Can you elaborate on your situation? If you don't feel comfortable with giving details regarding your business idea, you don't have to. However, the post is rather vague, so it's difficult to comment.

Things I would ask include:


Is this your first business?


What work experience do you have?


Why do you need equity finance specifically? Why no debt finance?


What sources of finance have you looked into?


Is your business something very capital intensive?


Do you have prototypes of your product, if you are producing a product?


If you are looking to start a business in anything (which is what it sounds more like), why have you not looked into businesses that need next to no finance?


What is your experience with investors? They tend not to be easy going people


What is your background? Have you done any qualifications?


If it's a somewhat large business with a lot of capital investment that you intend to start, who is on your team?

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