The Student Room Group

Reject firm university

I did btec engineering and so already have my firm offer confirmed even though I still don't know my results. The university I had firmed requires me to move out and I've now changed my mind, and want to go elsewhere closer to home (London). As I have not received my results yet, I'm not sure which uni's will accept me through clearing, given there are spaces available. Also I don't want to lose my firm and end up going to a inferior uni. Is it better I reject my firm now or wait until results day?
Original post by user8420
I did btec engineering and so already have my firm offer confirmed even though I still don't know my results. The university I had firmed requires me to move out and I've now changed my mind, and want to go elsewhere closer to home (London). As I have not received my results yet, I'm not sure which uni's will accept me through clearing, given there are spaces available. Also I don't want to lose my firm and end up going to a inferior uni. Is it better I reject my firm now or wait until results day?

As you "don't want to lose my firm and end up going to a inferior uni', you'll have to wait until you know your results - and hence what Clearing options are open to you.

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