Khan academy: a free website with mathematics courses from beginner to advanced. A variety of topics with helpful video explanations, practice questions and a "points" system to keep you leveling up and motivated.
Physics and Maths tutor: a great resource for GCSE and A-Level study. Their worksheets are probably most helpful (a collection of step-by-step solved questions, guided questions and regular questions), but they also have topic notes and past paper questions. Maths Revision - PMT (physicsandmathstutor.com)
Maths Genie: also a great resource with explanations and questions. Maths Genie • Learn GCSE Maths for Free
Youcubed: Online Student Course - YouCubed
Helpful video explanations for all topics: HEGARTYMATHS - YouTube and Primrose Kitten Academy | GCSE & A-Level Revision - YouTube
Problem solving: Brilliant | Learn interactively
More interactive and fun online resources: Math is Fun (mathsisfun.com) and Interactive Mathematics Miscellany <br>and Puzzles (cut-the-knot.org)
There are plenty of free courses on Coursera and Edx: perhaps instead of covering the English mathematics curriculum you want to learn specifically about Geometry or Decision Mathematics?
Good books: "Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction" by Timothy Gowers and "How to Solve It" by George Polya
Khan academy: a free website with mathematics courses from beginner to advanced. A variety of topics with helpful video explanations, practice questions and a "points" system to keep you leveling up and motivated.
Physics and Maths tutor: a great resource for GCSE and A-Level study. Their worksheets are probably most helpful (a collection of step-by-step solved questions, guided questions and regular questions), but they also have topic notes and past paper questions. Maths Revision - PMT (physicsandmathstutor.com)
Maths Genie: also a great resource with explanations and questions. Maths Genie • Learn GCSE Maths for Free
Youcubed: Online Student Course - YouCubed
Helpful video explanations for all topics: HEGARTYMATHS - YouTube and Primrose Kitten Academy | GCSE & A-Level Revision - YouTube
Problem solving: Brilliant | Learn interactively
More interactive and fun online resources: Math is Fun (mathsisfun.com) and Interactive Mathematics Miscellany <br>and Puzzles (cut-the-knot.org)
There are plenty of free courses on Coursera and Edx: perhaps instead of covering the English mathematics curriculum you want to learn specifically about Geometry or Decision Mathematics?
Good books: "Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction" by Timothy Gowers and "How to Solve It" by George Polya