The Student Room Group

Tips to prepare for university

Hi guys,

This time last year I was preparing to begin my first year of university. Since many of you are in a similar position right now, I would love to share some of my top tips:

Budget Plan - By having a budget plan prepared, your transition into being more financially independent will be much easier. Personally, it improved my financial responsibility.

Meal Ideas - Having a list of meals to make at university is a great idea. I would also recommend making these meals a few times at home before you go so you know exactly how to make them. Some ideas for some foods could be curries, bolognese, pasta bakes, pancakes and more!

Accommodation essentials - I recommend gradually getting items from the start of your summer break. By doing this gradually, you have time to look for the best deals to save yourself some money. If your unsure what to get, take a look at UCAS list of essentials. I used this list myself!

Stationary - Make sure you have the right equipment prepared for your first day. This may be simple, but it's important!

Facebook groups - My university had Facebook groups set up in order to talk with my future peers. This was an excellent chance to connect with people before stepping foot on campus. I would highly recommend checking if your university offers this.

Jobs - If your planning on getting a part time job while at university, I recommend checking job sites to see the type of and volume of work available in the area. A great website to do this on is Indeed.

Open days - My final tip will be to visit the campus. This way you already will feel familiar with the area when you begin university.

I hope you found this helpful. Best of luck with your studies! 😊
-Sophia (Business and Management, First Year)
Original post by UCLan Student
Hi guys,
This time last year I was preparing to begin my first year of university. Since many of you are in a similar position right now, I would love to share some of my top tips:
Budget Plan - By having a budget plan prepared, your transition into being more financially independent will be much easier. Personally, it improved my financial responsibility.
Meal Ideas - Having a list of meals to make at university is a great idea. I would also recommend making these meals a few times at home before you go so you know exactly how to make them. Some ideas for some foods could be curries, bolognese, pasta bakes, pancakes and more!
Accommodation essentials - I recommend gradually getting items from the start of your summer break. By doing this gradually, you have time to look for the best deals to save yourself some money. If your unsure what to get, take a look at UCAS list of essentials. I used this list myself!
Stationary - Make sure you have the right equipment prepared for your first day. This may be simple, but it's important!
Facebook groups - My university had Facebook groups set up in order to talk with my future peers. This was an excellent chance to connect with people before stepping foot on campus. I would highly recommend checking if your university offers this.
Jobs - If your planning on getting a part time job while at university, I recommend checking job sites to see the type of and volume of work available in the area. A great website to do this on is Indeed.
Open days - My final tip will be to visit the campus. This way you already will feel familiar with the area when you begin university.
I hope you found this helpful. Best of luck with your studies! 😊
-Sophia (Business and Management, First Year)

Hi Sophie

What a great and helpful post for future students! I'm sure it will be useful to many fellow students.
I would also add to try to attend freshers week, as you can meet a lot of new people there. Also, getting involved with your student union is extremely important, I found. And I cannot stress enough how useful it is to have your essentials carefully chosen and not to overpack.
Also, just generally bringing a positive attitude into all of this, it is the beginning of an incredible uni journey and one of the most amazing periods of your life! Be positive and enjoy it as much as you can!

MA Creative snd Critical Writing at Uni of Suffolk
Original post by UCLan Student
Hi guys,
This time last year I was preparing to begin my first year of university. Since many of you are in a similar position right now, I would love to share some of my top tips:
Budget Plan - By having a budget plan prepared, your transition into being more financially independent will be much easier. Personally, it improved my financial responsibility.
Meal Ideas - Having a list of meals to make at university is a great idea. I would also recommend making these meals a few times at home before you go so you know exactly how to make them. Some ideas for some foods could be curries, bolognese, pasta bakes, pancakes and more!
Accommodation essentials - I recommend gradually getting items from the start of your summer break. By doing this gradually, you have time to look for the best deals to save yourself some money. If your unsure what to get, take a look at UCAS list of essentials. I used this list myself!
Stationary - Make sure you have the right equipment prepared for your first day. This may be simple, but it's important!
Facebook groups - My university had Facebook groups set up in order to talk with my future peers. This was an excellent chance to connect with people before stepping foot on campus. I would highly recommend checking if your university offers this.
Jobs - If your planning on getting a part time job while at university, I recommend checking job sites to see the type of and volume of work available in the area. A great website to do this on is Indeed.
Open days - My final tip will be to visit the campus. This way you already will feel familiar with the area when you begin university.
I hope you found this helpful. Best of luck with your studies! 😊
-Sophia (Business and Management, First Year)

Hey Sophia! 🙂

These are really fab and useful tips, thanks for sharing. I thought I'd just chip in with a couple, I'd say to start having a look at what the city offers and what fun, free activities you could experience to help you stick to a budget. Perhaps there's nearby parks to explore, or museums, galleries, countryside walks! I'd definitely be scoping out the area for some amazing coffee shops to sit and study in, and then take a break in with lots of coffee and a good book!

Another tip is to ensure you know how to do the laundry if you don't already, so how to sort your clothing out by colour, how much detergent to use, how to treat stains, what cycle/setting and water temperature to use etc. Ask your loved ones for their fave cleaning products and tools so it makes it a bit less overwhelming when it comes to shopping for it all.

Good luck to everyone starting university in Sep, I hope this thread helps! :smile:

Original post by UCLan Student
Hi guys,
This time last year I was preparing to begin my first year of university. Since many of you are in a similar position right now, I would love to share some of my top tips:
Budget Plan - By having a budget plan prepared, your transition into being more financially independent will be much easier. Personally, it improved my financial responsibility.
Meal Ideas - Having a list of meals to make at university is a great idea. I would also recommend making these meals a few times at home before you go so you know exactly how to make them. Some ideas for some foods could be curries, bolognese, pasta bakes, pancakes and more!
Accommodation essentials - I recommend gradually getting items from the start of your summer break. By doing this gradually, you have time to look for the best deals to save yourself some money. If your unsure what to get, take a look at UCAS list of essentials. I used this list myself!
Stationary - Make sure you have the right equipment prepared for your first day. This may be simple, but it's important!
Facebook groups - My university had Facebook groups set up in order to talk with my future peers. This was an excellent chance to connect with people before stepping foot on campus. I would highly recommend checking if your university offers this.
Jobs - If your planning on getting a part time job while at university, I recommend checking job sites to see the type of and volume of work available in the area. A great website to do this on is Indeed.
Open days - My final tip will be to visit the campus. This way you already will feel familiar with the area when you begin university.
I hope you found this helpful. Best of luck with your studies! 😊
-Sophia (Business and Management, First Year)


These are some really great tips for new first-year students.

I would like to add a few of mine:

1) I just wanted to agree with the other respondents about taking advantage of the fresher's activities that are put on by the Student's Union. These are a really great way of making new friends and connections.
2) Get the things you are going to take to Uni ready now as that will help to reduce the stress of getting everything ready in the last few days before moving in.
3) See if you need and specific equipment for your course.

What other advice would you give to future students?

I hope this helps,

Wrexham Uni Reps
Hi Sophia,
Thanks for the awesome tips! They’re super helpful as I start uni. I'm kinda stressed out but posts like these make me realise I'm not the only student in the world, haha

These are great tips and I agree with all of them!

My best tip that I would add to this is to try and say yes to as much as you can! Especially in freshers week, people will be making lots of plans and going out so I would just try and get out of your comfort zone a little bit and say yes to as many things as you feel comfortable doing. In freshers week everyone wants to make friends so this is the best time to go out and meet a variety of people as it is likely that some of these people will end up being your friends.

I would also say to make plans with people too and don't just wait for people to ask you to do things. Nobody will think it is strange of you to ask as like I said, everyone wants to make friends so the chances of people saying yes to plans is quite high! People will be glad you have asked and you have to put an effort in too, you can't just wait for people to ask you all of the time as if you don't make the effort back, they may not ask as much.

Also, bringing some things from home or just some homely items for your room makes a massive difference. I brought some photos for my room which was really nice as it just makes the room feel like your own as sometimes rooms in student accommodation can feel quite plain and not like it's your room so bringing things like this is great. Check what you are allowed to bring as some places don't allow things like fairy lights so it's worth checking before you go to uni, just in case.

Lastly, I would say to join a society. They are great ways of meeting people who have similar interests to you and to make some new friends. It's good to get you out of the house and doing something you enjoy and the socials are really fun too! It's good to have different groups of friends rather than just one group which might be your housemates as it gives you more room to do things if people are busy and it's just generally nice to have a big group like this!

I hope some of this is helpful!

Lucy -SHU student ambassador.
Hi Everyone ! I agree with everything that has been said above , so many great points were made.
I would just like to add the importance of rest , it is so easy to burn out in university from a combination of working too hard and then also having an avid social life. Try to create balance and carve out time to rest , sleep in on some weekends and have a slow day every now and then where you take care of your mental health. As an engineering student by the end of my first year I was suffering from severe year end exhaustion from balancing working and striving to be an A student.
In my second year I created more balance in my schedule to take care of myself mentally and got a little assistance form our mental health team on campus.
Energy Engineering student
De Montfort University
Hey Sophia, this is helpful!

My top tip would be don’t be too afraid to ask questions! There’s no such thing as a silly question, this is a big moment in your life and of course there will be things that you’re not entirely sure about. Universities have student ambassadors that have had the same questions as a lot of prospective students at the start of their journey and will be equipped to answer a lot of them! If it’s more course related send an email to the university they’ll have a dedicated team to answer any enquiry’s or they can put you in touch with whoever you need!

Another tip would be to look at what events the student union are holding during freshers week as this will allow you to meet people who are also living on campus before you start any classes.

Student Ambassador
Liverpool Hope University

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