The Student Room Group

How to put posters up on uni dorms without losing my deposit-Uni of Glasgow

Title really.
Probably going to Murano and I dont want my dorm to look boring and that.
Original post by a$ap_pranjol
Title really.
Probably going to Murano and I dont want my dorm to look boring and that.

Hi there,
This is a tricky one, as even things like command strips which are often recommended can sometimes leave marks. What I'd recommend is getting cheap frames for posters and standing them on any available surfaces. A good way to decorate your room!

Original post by a$ap_pranjol
Title really.
Probably going to Murano and I dont want my dorm to look boring and that.

Hi @a$ap_pranjol

The above comment is right - quite a few things can leave marks on your walls. When I was in accommodation last year, I used blue tac to stick posters and pictures to things like my wardrobe and bookshelf as these were either wooden or a coated plastic surface so it was pretty easy to wipe away any left over marks.

Adding stand alone picture frames is a good idea too. And if you have a pin board, I'd make the most of that and pin up your pictures/posters as this won't leave any damage.

Hope this helps. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU
Reply 3
I lived in murano this year. Honestly blue tack should be fine as my friends who used it had no problems. I personally used glue dots. The one thing is during flat inspections you will need to take them down but it’s not too much hastle. Staff generally are quite tolerant with general wear and tear because Murano isn’t exactly the Ritz. Do try to keep ur kitchen clean and don’t make any holes in the walls or try to replaster it yourself (idk why this happened more than once) and you should be left alone. There also isn’t a deposit you just get a charge put on your uni account for damage.
(edited 5 months ago)
Blue tack should be fine 🙂
Original post by UofG Student Rep
Blue tack should be fine 🙂

yeah turned out to be alright hahahahah

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