The Student Room Group

Middle name in confirming identity

Hi, I've been having issues with confirming my identity for my masters student finance application. I've just realised that I haven't been putting my middle name in the passport details section (in the forename part) is this potentially causing the issue?
(edited 5 months ago)
Hi there,

I would not think that missing your middle name out would have an affect on your account. Have we rejected your identity evidence? Have we asked for your passport number but it is not allowing you to put it in? Is the passport valid and are you a UK national?

Thanks, Drew
Reply 2
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,
I would not think that missing your middle name out would have an affect on your account. Have we rejected your identity evidence? Have we asked for your passport number but it is not allowing you to put it in? Is the passport valid and are you a UK national?
Thanks, Drew

Hello Drew,

I don't think it was rejected or anything like that, it was just not able to be confirmed. I received a letter stating that I need to send in my passport or birth certificate to confirm my identity and that's it. I called up recently and the person I spoke to was not sure why it was happening. The only reason I can think of is that I did not enter my middle name when submitting my passport details.

I am a UK national, my passport is valid, and it lets me put my passport number in.
Hi AWildLucas,

We do need identity evidence for every new application for eligibility purposes. If you have been asked for this evidence I would advise sending it, I cannot advise further on why this is required without account access.

Reply 4
Just for anyone who may look this up in the future, this was the issue. I resubmitted, this time with my middle name included and that has worked. I have now been granted my masters loan.
If you need anything else let us know 🙂 Thanks, SFE.

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