The Student Room Group

Anyone allocated Senghennydd Hall?

I was allocated Senghennydd Hall last Friday, it was
my first choice as it put me closest to the engineering building. I was wondering if anyone else got Senghennydd Hall as well.
Original post by iyisir3
I was allocated Senghennydd Hall last Friday, it was
my first choice as it put me closest to the engineering building. I was wondering if anyone else got Senghennydd Hall as well.

Hi there,

Congratulations on getting your first choice! You should soon be sent a link to join a Facebook group for people in Senghennydd.

Good luck with starting university and let me know if you have any more questions!

All the best,
Jaz - Cardiff student rep
Reply 2
Original post by iyisir3
I was allocated Senghennydd Hall last Friday, it was
my first choice as it put me closest to the engineering building. I was wondering if anyone else got Senghennydd Hall as well.

yeah, which house are you in? it was my first choice too cause its right near the physics building so easy walk tbh

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