First of all I know it looks cool and all studying football and studying at Wembley stadium or Etihad however you eventually get used to it and wont care that you are actually studying at that location.
The course is heavily presentation based with some essays. This means lot of your grades will rely on how well others in your group do. Even one essay was group based. If you dont get along with anyone or you are lazy and easily miss lectures it will be very tough especially in the 2nd year where everyone becomes good friends.
Me and one other guy (he left now) but this happened to us. having less group members in our groups because we simply had no friends to work with. we had to manage a essay which required 5 people with only us 2. So again it will be tough if you dont get alone.
This is my personal experience. i am finished 2nd year with 2 failed modules with both of them being group work simply because the guy i was working with was lazy and didnt even bother with referencing he then dropped because he knew he was failing either way and he was also in another one of my groups which luckily we had one more person but then dropped to 2 last min because he dropped out which resulted in us doing badly in the assignment.
Its not worth it Imo. Learn from my mistakes if you are going here pick a better course. ik some of it is my fault because i struggled to even make friends or get along. The uni is also mostly whites and i tried being friends but i felt like its harder to be close friends with white people. its not racism so please dont say i am blaming this on racism but its just easier to be friends with non whites.
In my class i was the only brown dude. i felt awkward at many times. which is of course not blaming anyone but if u are a coloured person and may get intimidated by this please dont go.
As for lecturers they are all great although some modules are heavily boring and some feel very useless like we had to do an event (nobody did it everyone faked it). some of the assignments are basically more advanced but similar to first years.
Imo you are better off doing a degree thats not specialised even if you want to get into sports. Getting into football is mainly about connections nothing else.
Thank you for reading.