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UCAS Clearing 2024 FAQ and Help Megathread

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Original post by Nef4578!
Thanks that’s very helpful, so is it not true that Universities lower their grades for clearing? Maybe that’s an urban myth, have looked through TSR but not many people come back on here to say what grades they had to get clearing places. Really helpful to know I have until 1pm though thank you! Hopefully I wont need to use clearing

Sorry if I've not explained clearly - universities do lower their grades in clearing. The extent to which they lower them varies depending on the uni, the course and how popular it all is. What you may find is that by the Monday after results, grades are lowered further on courses the uni has not filled. The grades that the university will accept in Clearing are usually advertised. :yep:
Ah that’s great thanks sorry I misunderstood your reply, ok so in that case I won’t rule out some good Unis, but good tip re chat I’ll def multi task to reach them on results day if I need to. Appreciate your reply thank you
Just to add that a lot of unis will publish their clearing requirements either the day before, or on AL results day morning.

If they just list course titles and no specific clearing requirements, then a 1 grade reduction is common, but not guaranteed so you'd have to call them to find out.
Thanks so what I can see now on ucas clearing and uni websites directly will be updated on results day with lower clearing grades, vs what’s currently showing which is standard entry requirement. That will give me a much better idea of who to call, as you say if I’m below on one grade (not critical subject to course) then might be worth a try but from what you’re saying they will give an idea of acceptable grades when the lists go live on 15th. Many thanks sorry if this was answered elsewhere
Also some universities won’t list any clearing specific entry requirements.
In that case a general rule of thumb is that it’s normally worth contacting them if you are within 2 grades of their standard offer.
Some universities/courses will not have any flexibility, others will have more but if they keep their requirements secret then you need to prioritise your favourites that you’re close to to contact first.
ive decided i want to change my course if i meet the entry requirements on results day but remain at my firm choice uni. the course i am interested in is available in clearing. how would i go about doing this? would i need to release myself into clearing or could i contact my firm choice uni directly and sort things out through that without going into clearing? just since im quite intimidated by having to decline my place if i were to go into clearing
Original post by gabriellamadelyn
ive decided i want to change my course if i meet the entry requirements on results day but remain at my firm choice uni. the course i am interested in is available in clearing. how would i go about doing this? would i need to release myself into clearing or could i contact my firm choice uni directly and sort things out through that without going into clearing? just since im quite intimidated by having to decline my place if i were to go into clearing

Do NOT release yourself into clearing to switch course at your firm.
If you want to swap course then email your firm choice admissions team with the request NOW. Don’t forget to include all your details (full name, date of birth, course, UCAS ID) and explain clearly that you’d like to switch to the new course if you get the required grades.
Make it clear that you know that they can’t reply to you until results day but that you are requesting the switch formally in the hope that they can process the change for results day.
I've just had my application withdrawn from KCL. I received a verbal offer from them and an email confirming this. I put the course I had been accepted to as my choice in clearing before the deadline. I don't know what is happening.
Original post by an4182012
I've just had my application withdrawn from KCL. I received a verbal offer from them and an email confirming this. I put the course I had been accepted to as my choice in clearing before the deadline. I don't know what is happening.

Have you contacted them? What was their reason as to why this happened?
Have you contacted them? What was their reason as to why this happened?

I contacted them and they said they would escalate this. On kingsapply it says withdrawn but UCAS still says waiting for the uni to confirm.
Original post by an4182012
I contacted them and they said they would escalate this. On kingsapply it says withdrawn but UCAS still says waiting for the uni to confirm.

Did the email confirmation contain the offer conditions?

Have you met those conditions?

Just trying to get the full picture, please don't feel alone - we have supported people in these circumstances before
Original post by 04MR17
Did the email confirmation contain the offer conditions?
Have you met those conditions?
Just trying to get the full picture, please don't feel alone - we have supported people in these circumstances before

It did not contain the offer conditions. The requirements are A*AA, with A*A in maths and further maths. I have achieved A*A*A with A*A* in maths and further maths and A in cs. It told me to add it to my ucas clearing choice by 9am today and I added it thursday evening.
Original post by an4182012
It did not contain the offer conditions. The requirements are A*AA, with A*A in maths and further maths. I have achieved A*A*A with A*A* in maths and further maths and A in cs. It told me to add it to my ucas clearing choice by 9am today and I added it thursday evening.

Then the uni should honour that offer, especially when you've met the offer conditions. 90% of the time when rejections come back it's due to human error. Hopefully this one will be too and will be rectified.
Original post by 04MR17
Then the uni should honour that offer, especially when you've met the offer conditions. 90% of the time when rejections come back it's due to human error. Hopefully this one will be too and will be rectified.

Has this situation happened before and did it work out?
Original post by an4182012
Has this situation happened before and did it work out?

Happens 2-3 times each year that we see, as I say 90% of the time it works out. 10% of the time there was confusion about the offer conditions and the uni erroneous gave the applicant a verbal offer (or were inadvertently misled into doing so by the applicant not being correct with their information). Because you've been spot on, this sounds like it will go in the 90% category.
Reply 35
Original post by 04MR17
Mega Clearing FAQ 2024
Clearing, Clearing-Plus, Self-Release into Clearing and Changes for 2024

By popular demand, our FAQ Megathread for Results and Clearing for 2024 is back!
This thread contains several FAQs asked by students on TSR each year. From Clearing basics (what it is and how to apply), to troubleshooting and changing your mind, we’ve compiled a list of popular questions and answers from previous years, all updated for 2024 applicants.
Huge thanks to previous contributors to this thread, allowing current volunteers to update things more easily. Special mentions to claireestelle, Charlotte's Web, PQ and sleep_supremacy for working on previous versions of this FAQ.
All guidance on this thread comes from UCAS-trained Clearing and Applications advisors with years of experience supporting applicants on results day with impartial advice.
Use these links to quickly jump to the Clearing FAQ section relevant to you!
How does Clearing Work and am I Eligible (click to jump)
Finding Vacancies and Contacting Universities (click to jump)
Clearing - Once You've Secured an Informal Offer (click to jump)
Troubleshooting - When things don’t quite go to plan... (click to jump)
Decline my place FAQ - Using the 'decline my place' button to place yourself into Clearing (click to jump)
Questions for 2024 (click to jump)
Clearing Plus FAQ (click to jump)
Adjustment -no longer offered by UCAS (click to jump)
Have a question that isn’t answered here? Post in the thread and our UCAS trained Clearing and Applications Advisers will do their best to help!

Resources and Further Support:
Getting out of an unconditional offer and applying through Clearing
Universities in Clearing for 2024
Threads for each university about Clearing
Medicine Clearing thread
A-Level results day countdown thread
Ask a Question in our Clearing forum
University Transfer FAQ
UCAS Social Media accounts:
TikTok ¦ Instagram ¦ Facebook ¦ Twitter ¦ LinkedIn ¦ YouTube

I found this very detailed article on UCAS Cleaning including all the information about how to prepare and how to apply in a easy to understand language.

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