The Student Room Group

Uni rent refund

Hi guys, I have just finished my first year at uni and I dropped out of my house for second year.

I decided I couldn’t live there anymore and I spoke to the landlord. They said that I am able to leave so long as I find someone to take my spot. I found someone to take my spot before my tenancy began.

I informed them of the new tenant and passed their details on. However, they said that I would still have to pay the rent for July 2024 alongside an additional £50 for the tenancy swap. I paid £570 altogether (£520 rent + £50 for the tenancy swap). If we take the deposit into account then I technically paid £720 for a house I WILL NOT BE LIVING IN.

Furthermore, they also made the new tenant pay July’s rent and deposit too. The landlord said that I would get a refund for my rent at the end of the month and I still have not received the refund.

I proceeded to send an email stating that I have not received the refund to which they informed me that I would be able to do so once I signed the deed of assignment for the new tenant, WHICH I DID. I informed them of this. They then proceeded to state that I would not get a refund until all of the tenants signed the deed of assignment (which they did not state in the original email). Anyways, I have emailed them again but it seems as though they are finding any excuse possible to avoid refunding the money. They appear to be quite reluctant to do so. They have received £1340 altogether for a months rent of a double bedroom in shared house WITH SHARED TOILETS. The rent should have only been £520 (£670 with a deposit) so I am failing to understand why they are struggling to refund the money when they have received double the amount.

Lastly, I am friends with the girl who took over my tenancy and she informed me the a bailiff (or the equivalent of one) came knocking on the door of the house and stated that there is 3 months worth of bills that have been unpaid. We have both paid the bills + everyone else who lives there so I am beginning to question what is actually going on with the money.

How do I get a refund ?

Thank you :smile:
It sounds like you have a rogue landlord. Seek advice from the local CAB or a legal advice clinic at your university if there is one. Is the deposit protected?

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