The Student Room Group

Ask your flight attendant (part 2 for careers and jobs)

Evening Ladies and Gents,

I already posted this elsewhere and was unsure about how to relocate the original post.

I used to be a long time lurker here back when I was astudent.

I preferred the old TSR graphics and layout!

I am Brit, now residing in North-America and flying for alarge airline based here.

I started my career within the airline industry, while in lawschool. I had a job at my local airport as a customer serviceagent for the airline.

Upon graduating law school, I was provided with theopportunity to become a flight attendant with legacy termsand conditions.

Something which is no longer existent at the “world’s favairline” based at Heathrow. Thus, I took the opportunity anddo NOT regret it after 4 years in.

I am willing to answer any career questions for those whomare considering a career within the airline industry or forthose whom are curious about the mysteries of a day in mylife.

I am pretty knowledgeable about the industry as well asmost airlines and their contracts. Therefore, if you requireany advice, I am here to help.

PS: I also took some time off to attend pilot training. So, Icould possibly answer some questions there. However, Ihave no interest in becoming a pilot as I love my current gigso much and being on the contract I am on.


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