The Student Room Group

Do I bring it up?

National gf day posts?
(edited 6 months ago)
Reply 1
All good relationships are based on openness and honesty. There is no room for secrets and awkwardness. The reason you can't see a route to talking about it is because you are afraid the conversation will uncover something that ends the relationship. But if you think about it, if that something is going on but you don't know about it e.g. the current state of play, why does that make the relationship more viable? There are three outcomes.


You mention it, it is explained with love and compassion. It isn't anything or is a previous relationship and nothing to worry about. All is good.


It is explained away in an unsatisfactory manner - lots of work to do and future of relationship is in jeopardy if it is not resolved.


There is more to it and things are being hidden - relationship ends.

You need to ask yourself - do I want to live in a lie or know the truth and therefore trust my partner.

Good luck!

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