The Student Room Group

What should i do?

I have juh moved to the Uk and am going to be doing sixth form at my local college. The thing is, i hv an interview at the college but i don't know what i should read or even what am supposed to do. Can someone help?
As I obviously dont know the school Im unsure of your situation exactly but the ‘interviews’ for sixth forms I applied to where just about getting to know you and answering any questions you have about studying there as well as discussing courses you’d like to study.
If this is the case all you need to do beforehand is write down a list of things you would like to know about the college and you need to figure out which courses (eg: a level subjects or t level or btec depending on your interests and what they offer) you would like to take.
However, some schools do interview properly for sixth form so maybe email them and check what it is you are going to be doing.
Hope this helps and happy to try to answer any more questions if you have them. Have a great day :smile:
Reply 2
Thx for the reply, I am going to be doing Business level 1 because i don't hv GCES. She said that i should prepare and revise for my maths and English for the next time we meet which is on 22 August. And i don't what to even revise. I think i will to hv to email them. Buh thx for the help

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