The Student Room Group

Personal Compelling reasons


I applied for personal compelling reasons after leaving a degree midway through second year some time ago to start a new degree with 3 years funding. I just finished my first year on this new course and as I got the funding for the first year I believed my personal compelling reasons were accepted. However, this year I am going to receive substantially less maintenance loan and I think it is due to the 'deemed overpayment' they're trying to recoup from the year I withdrew that I got the PCR for. Is this normal? Why didn't they reduce my funding first year instead?

Please advise.
Hi there. CPR does not prevent Maintenance Loan overpayments being taken from a future Academic Year. However, this is usually clawed back on the first year available from when you have an outstanding overpayment. Were you informed of the overpayment at the time that you withdrew from the course? Have you been sent any letters or emails recently advising of any different overpayments? Thanks, David
Reply 2
Hi David, I've spoken to SFE and it was because of the overpayment. While I understand the reason, I wish I'd known they were going to take it this year. I don't have any money as it is.
Hi JustUnlucky23,

You can apply to defer your overpayment to the next academic year through the Financial Hardship process. You will need to complete a Financial Hardship form and send this with evidence such as 3 months' bank statements for all accounts in your name. This will then take around 2-3 weeks to review. For a copy of the form you will need to contact us directly on 0300 100 0607 or start a live chat through your online account.


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