The Student Room Group

trying to quit porn

Hi guys I am gonna try and stop quitting porn but I said this a million times in my head and I never achieved it. I am trying to figure out what triggers me to watch porn. I know that alcohol in general is bad as it may increase the temptation to watch it. I just want to have the experience with a girl rather than looking at a screen and getting jealous of the guys that are having sex with that girl.

I understand that porn is not what you see online and it is different in reality I am trying my best to stop but it is just hard I feel nothing but guilt and shame and drained afterwards as there is no real benefit to watching it.
Prayer helped me, reading the Bible too
Deleting Twitter and other apps affiliated with it, going on a social media cleanse, and going to the gym, etc., are all steps you're taking. However, it seems you’re more focused on these activities rather than on forming a genuine connection with someone. No judgment here; there are apps and websites to meet people with a similar mindset.
Original post by Anonymous
Prayer helped me, reading the Bible too

1 Corinthians 6:18 in specific if that helps
Original post by Anonymous
Deleting Twitter and other apps affiliated with it, going on a social media cleanse, and going to the gym, etc., are all steps you're taking. However, it seems you’re more focused on these activities rather than on forming a genuine connection with someone. No judgment here; there are apps and websites to meet people with a similar mindset.

Cheers for the advice I'm trying to not think about girls and block out when I am quitting it or just trying my best to reduce being horny all the time as cringe as that sounds just going to block out all the apps including Instagram as that a trigger just anything that will trigger my brain into watching it. I gave up on apps and don't like meeting people online as it might get catfished which I have been before. prefer to meet people in the real world.

people say you meet your girlfriend when you least expect it or something and I just give up on that thought for good. so I hope this will be the last time I ever watch porn and said this to myself loads of times but I think this will be the last time I ever watch it.

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