Do I need to write a cv or a cover letter for a part-time job in retail? If I do how do I write one and format it correctly? Could anyone that has a part-time job pls help me out?
Do I need to write a cv or a cover letter for a part-time job in retail? If I do how do I write one and format it correctly? Could anyone that has a part-time job pls help me out?
Hey!! Im currently a student applying for part time roles as well. A cover letter is optional, however for your CV you dont really have to specify that you are looking for a part time role as the employer will know from their job description of it being a part time role (if that makes sense). I found my CV format on Google Docs however there are many examples on youtube you can use for inspiration.
Hey!! Im currently a student applying for part time roles as well. A cover letter is optional, however for your CV you dont really have to specify that you are looking for a part time role as the employer will know from their job description of it being a part time role (if that makes sense). I found my CV format on Google Docs however there are many examples on youtube you can use for inspiration.
Could u pls send me some of the examples u’ve used? Could also let me know like what u included in ur cv is it like stuff u've done in school?
Hello again! Really sorry, its because im new to TSR that it wont allow me to send PM, (saying i have to be a member of a forum for three days and send atleast two messages) however I will find the youtube links ive used and put them here!!
Hello again! Really sorry, its because im new to TSR that it wont allow me to send PM, (saying i have to be a member of a forum for three days and send atleast two messages) however I will find the youtube links ive used and put them here!!