Be genuine, unless you're being polite - people want to get to know you, not the person you're pretending to be
Feel free to feel any emotions or have any natural reactions - you're not supposed to be a robot
Be mentally mature - no one likes someone childish
Treat the other person with respect - unless he does something stupid or disrespects you. Alternatively, if you are trying to be polite, you can hold off the judgement.
The pretending to be dainty and helpless shindig is annoying at best - only ask for help if you genuinely need help
Calibrate to how he is reacting - if he's high energy, be a little more energetic; if he's friendly, be a little more friendly, etc. It's kind of a good way to tell if he is interested. It's social skills 101.
Ask about what he thinks/his opinions about things#
Even if you have absolutely nothing to say, "hi" is better than nothing
No conversation = no relationship, nothing ever happening.
"No" is always better than "what could have been" - don't regret things
Entitlement, arrogance
Overly shy
Overly disagreeable - do disagree on things that do matter to you
Expects the guy to do absolutely everything or move entire mountains for you
Expects the guy to make all the first moves - it's pure stupidity and you're treating him less than human
Disrespecting men - "all men are..." it's an overgeneralisation, it's rude, it's misandrist, and it's a sure-fire way to get guys to step away
Refusing to contribute something to the date or lack any effort on your end
Power plays - guys have enough of this in their lives, they don't need you to add to their pile
Last reply 4 weeks ago
What are the psychological aggression that you face a lot as ethnic minority?Last reply 4 weeks ago
Is it normal to have “friendship fatigue†as you age?