The Student Room Group

Nursing placement hours

Hello, looking for a little advice please.

What placement hours are required for nursing degree? I understand it’s 37.5 hours a week for a number of weeks a year. Out of those hours how many weekends please? I am trying to organise childcare. Thank you
Reply 1
Original post by Lgau
Hello, looking for a little advice please.
What placement hours are required for nursing degree? I understand it’s 37.5 hours a week for a number of weeks a year. Out of those hours how many weekends please? I am trying to organise childcare. Thank you

You have to do 2400 overall hours for the three years. It completely depends on the placement and your assessor as to which days/hours you do. You might get 3 long night shifts which are 8-7:30am, 3 long day shifts 7-8pm, smaller shifts 7-3 etc. you will be required to work weekends too. If you get a community placement it’s usually 9-5/8-4 Monday to Friday. It depends on the placement and the person whose looking after you on placement essentially!
Reply 2
Original post by Lgau
Hello, looking for a little advice please.
What placement hours are required for nursing degree? I understand it’s 37.5 hours a week for a number of weeks a year. Out of those hours how many weekends please? I am trying to organise childcare. Thank you

I am also wondering about this and how soon we start placements. I’m trying to get my driving licence before starting any placements but time is flying and I’m a slow learner 🙈😭 wish it was a bit clearer so you can plan better x
Reply 3
Original post by Lgau
Hello, looking for a little advice please.
What placement hours are required for nursing degree? I understand it’s 37.5 hours a week for a number of weeks a year. Out of those hours how many weekends please? I am trying to organise childcare. Thank you

You will have to complete 4600 hours over the 3 years of your nursing degree ( 2300 hours placement, and 2300 hours of university studies blocks/ practical and theory).
This works out approx 37.5 hours per week for both university and your placements.

How many weekends you actually do is depending on how you are rota to work ( generally you'll probably do one weekend per month or every other month, similar with your Nightshifts.

You are supposed to work the same shift patterns as your mentor/ supervisor unless they are on holidays which means you will be under another nurse until they return from holiday.

NHS registered midwife and mentor/ supervisor to fit student midwives. Majority of the time the students will work whatever shifts I'm doing when we have them

Person in reply 1 gave you a rough time on what hours you may work.

Each hospital trust has there own working shifts patterns so it depends on how they work.
Reply 4
Original post by Kerrence
I am also wondering about this and how soon we start placements. I’m trying to get my driving licence before starting any placements but time is flying and I’m a slow learner 🙈😭 wish it was a bit clearer so you can plan better x

Minimum of university studies blocks weeks at beginning of the academic year can be anywhere from about 7 weeks up to say 12 weeks before you might start your first placement.
It depends on how the university has set up there nursing programs for students.

Only advice for you for your driving lessons is to do them at nighttime and weekends during your university studies weeks and if you are put on placement earlier than planned then schedule your driving lesson around them until you finally pass your driving test.

Life is not as simple as you think established when you have to plan things around a nursing degree.

Good luck with things 🤗🤗🤗🤗

NHS registered midwife.
(edited 6 months ago)

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