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A level offers- 4 alevels


I am going into Year 13, and I do 4 alevels- one of them being further maths. Although I dont actually need further maths for the courses I am applying to, I am still undertaking the subject as I enjoy it and it is also somewhat related and could strengthen my oxbridge application. From what I understand, I will still be offered a 3 alevel offer, most probably on my other 3 subjects (apart from oxbridge, who may give a 4 alevel offer). However, if I receive a 3 alevel offer for my other 3 subjects, does that mean I can then drop further maths after receiving my offer?

You can only drop it after checking with any unis that gave you an offer. It’s very unlikely they’ll mind but you must check.
Original post by sophiejones16

I am going into Year 13, and I do 4 alevels- one of them being further maths. Although I dont actually need further maths for the courses I am applying to, I am still undertaking the subject as I enjoy it and it is also somewhat related and could strengthen my oxbridge application. From what I understand, I will still be offered a 3 alevel offer, most probably on my other 3 subjects (apart from oxbridge, who may give a 4 alevel offer). However, if I receive a 3 alevel offer for my other 3 subjects, does that mean I can then drop further maths after receiving my offer?


Id double check with them.
If they have only given you a 3 a-level offer, then i doubt they will mind too much about the 4th. But just double check with them if you do want to drop it.
Reply 3
FM as a 4th subject may get you an overall reduced offer at many Unis - Bath as one example - but yes, dropping a subject you no longer 'need' is very common in the lead up to exams, just make sure you tell your Unis you are doing that.
Reply 4
Original post by Emma:-)
Id double check with them.
If they have only given you a 3 a-level offer, then i doubt they will mind too much about the 4th. But just double check with them if you do want to drop it.

Perfect thank you- Ill make sure to check!
Also a quick question you might know the answer to, if I do recieve a 3 a level offer when I do 4 a levels is there any way to tell for which subjects it will be? Do they specify on the offer, can you find out beforehand. I want to avoid receiving a 3 a level offer where one of them is for further maths. Thanks
Original post by sophiejones16
Perfect thank you- Ill make sure to check!
Also a quick question you might know the answer to, if I do recieve a 3 a level offer when I do 4 a levels is there any way to tell for which subjects it will be? Do they specify on the offer, can you find out beforehand. I want to avoid receiving a 3 a level offer where one of them is for further maths. Thanks

They’ll specify any subject requirements in the offer. Eg. “AAA including Maths and Fuirther Maths” or “… and grade A in any one from Maths, Further Maths or Physics”.
Unis typically list their requirements on the course pages. Otherwise it’s only if you’re taking overlapping subjects that they might exclude additional things.
Hiii I have a question! I have applied to LSE (ISSP with Politics), UCL (Politics and IR), St Andrews (IR) and Warwick (PoliticsandInternational Studies). I have applied with 4 A Levels: Maths, History, Geo, Business (predicted A,A,A*,A*). I have gotten anofferfrom St Andrews and Warwick. None of them require maths and I want to drop to AS-Level Maths, not the full a level course.Doyou think If I do this, will these 2 universities keep their offer? Maths is not required in any of the courses. What do you think willbethe impact on my offer. Both have given me an offer of AAA, no specific requirements. Help plssss
Original post by User368596996969
Hiii I have a question! I have applied to LSE (ISSP with Politics), UCL (Politics and IR), St Andrews (IR) and Warwick (PoliticsandInternational Studies). I have applied with 4 A Levels: Maths, History, Geo, Business (predicted A,A,A*,A*). I have gotten anofferfrom St Andrews and Warwick. None of them require maths and I want to drop to AS-Level Maths, not the full a level course.Doyou think If I do this, will these 2 universities keep their offer? Maths is not required in any of the courses. What do you think willbethe impact on my offer. Both have given me an offer of AAA, no specific requirements. Help plssss

Answered this in the other thread where you asked about it. Chances good but only the unis themselves can tell you if it would make any difference.
Original post by Admit-One
Answered this in the other thread where you asked about it. Chances good but only the unis themselves can tell you if it would make any difference.

I know, but what about LSE and UCL, do you think dropping to AS-maths really limits my chances of getting in to politics? I have predicted (A*,A*,A) in geo, business and history, and would have an A predicted in AS-maths. Do you think its too risky?
Original post by User368596996969
I know, but what about LSE and UCL, do you think dropping to AS-maths really limits my chances of getting in to politics? I have predicted (A*,A*,A) in geo, business and history, and would have an A predicted in AS-maths. Do you think its too risky?

Are you talking about dropping it before you’ve had decisions back from them?

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