Hi everyone,
I am from Australia and I am moving to the UK next year for medicine (currently on a gap year). I am excited but I am actually quite nervous to move across the world. I am only 18, don't have much life experience, haven't been to uni before and I am very close with my family (especially my mum and brother). I feel very nervous about leaving them and quite frankly sad that I won't be able to enjoy the small things (watching TV together, eating dinner, going to football games etc). I know that in order to achieve my dream, I have to leave but right now, the thought of moving abroad leaves me with a pit in my stomach and nearly on the verge of tears. On the other hand, I am excited to see the world by myself and be independent but I will miss them terribly, family is very important to me. I was wondering if anyone has been in my position before, how did you cope moving abroad and do these feelings go away?
Thanks in advance <33