The Student Room Group


Hello Everyone
My situation is this, if I get through my firm choice, I am accepting it but if not accepted by firm but accepted by insurance then I would consider clearing. My question is that can you get a clearing number without declining the insurance choice and hence go for clearing without declining the insurance choice.
You can talk to Unis about the possibility of an offer but you cannot actually apply until you have declined any existing offer. You dont need 'a clearing number' to just phone Unis.
Original post by Aggrim
Hello Everyone
My situation is this, if I get through my firm choice, I am accepting it but if not accepted by firm but accepted by insurance then I would consider clearing. My question is that can you get a clearing number without declining the insurance choice and hence go for clearing without declining the insurance choice.

Hi @Aggrim

You can call universities on their clearing hotline and see if you can get a verbal offer. This can be done before declining the university offer you had and it is reconmended that you do it in this order so you are not left without a an offer. Once you have an offer you can then go into UCAS and reject your current university offer (in your case it would be your insurance choice in that situation) and accept the new offer. One thing that you will need at hand is your UCAS
number as that will allow universities to send any offer that you get through clearing to UCAS. If you want, most unis already have a live list of the courses they have in clearing and the entry requirments so you can make a more informed decision when seeing if you can get an offer in clearing.

I hope this is helpful info and wish you the best for your results
Student Ambassador
Note that UCAS business rules state:

“A customer must not approach an applicant who is holding a firm or insurance place at another customer unless:
“the applicant has requested the contact (noting that where contact is requested by an applicant, customers should keep a written record)”

If a university doesn’t keep written records of clearing enquiries/phone calls then they would be breaking their contract with UCAS to talk to an applicant holding a place elsewhere.
Many universities don’t keep written records of all clearing enquiries/phone calls and so will not consider you for an informal clearing offer while you’re placed with your insurance choice.

Universities don’t send clearing offers to UCAS. You add them as a clearing choice and your UCAS ID is used to match your formal application to your informal offer.
(edited 1 month ago)

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