The Student Room Group

Keeping lifelong friends

I recently met a new friend I've gotten on with really well. We don't live near each other but exchanged numbers and text.

I'm worried about this friendship ending because I'm going to university. I know nothing stays the same forever, but we've gotten to know each well and I don't want it to end.

What can I do to make sure this doesn't happen?

Are friendships not meant to be lifelong?
Reply 1
Original post by UOM2024
I recently met a new friend I've gotten on with really well. We don't live near each other but exchanged numbers and text.
I'm worried about this friendship ending because I'm going to university. I know nothing stays the same forever, but we've gotten to know each well and I don't want it to end.
What can I do to make sure this doesn't happen?
Are friendships not meant to be lifelong?

some are meant to be lifelong, some aren't, time will tell.
text them often and agree to meet up whenever you guys can
Original post by UOM2024
I recently met a new friend I've gotten on with really well. We don't live near each other but exchanged numbers and text.
I'm worried about this friendship ending because I'm going to university. I know nothing stays the same forever, but we've gotten to know each well and I don't want it to end.
What can I do to make sure this doesn't happen?
Are friendships not meant to be lifelong?

I have this friend, we lived close, going to the same institute for like a year. then I moved to another city and all, but the bond we built was so strong that its been 2 years long distance, and we text once every 10 days, ft on important occasions and the exchange of random memes. I have been moving ALL my life, after every 1-2 years, and this is the first friendship which continued after me moving out. I do have childhood friends numbers but we just don't text anymore because we don't have anything in common to talk about anymore. to summarise, I only have 2,3 friends I actually talk to.

So don't worry, if they are meant to be lifelong they will, just remember to not hesitate when you want to text, because they also might be hesitating. Tell them about what's going on with your life, and they will feel comfortable enough to do the same. Occasional calls are also important so that you are there with them in high and lows. If your friend also feels the same way you do, they won't let you go. If not then you can always make new friends, because life don't stop and you'll find a lifelong friend at some point.
I think if you both feel strongly for each other the friendship will remain despite distance and minuscule contact while you're at university. I've had friends who've broken away from me simply because I didn't keep in contact. I think if you can keep contact anyway you can then you'll retain your friendship easily. Try writing letters if you can't use social media or see your friend in person. If all else fails there's always courier pigeons.
Original post by JDINCINERATOR
I think if you both feel strongly for each other the friendship will remain despite distance and minuscule contact while you're at university. I've had friends who've broken away from me simply because I didn't keep in contact. I think if you can keep contact anyway you can then you'll retain your friendship easily. Try writing letters if you can't use social media or see your friend in person. If all else fails there's always courier pigeons.

Thank you, I appreciate that

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