If you have a question about your Firm or Insurance choices, Clearing or other UCAS-related issues then please ask your question HERE or post in the Clearing FAQ threads. Hi there!
I'm Cheese
I'm a
Vegetable and I went through Clearing in 2017 to get my University place studying Chemistry at the
University of Southampton In 2021 I graduated on my 4 year course doing MChem Chemistry with a First Class Honours degree!!
The same year I got a job as a scientist in a pharmaceutical company! I was there for 2 years now and now I am working as a Materials/Analytical Scientist in a different sector. Going through clearing absolutely did not stop me in my career journey and I have been loving life
I don't want to derail this thread too much about scientific graduate roles so if you have questions about that specifically, maybe shoot me
a PM If you have questions about chemistry as a course, you should ask it
here. Similarly with Southampton as a Uni, use the relevant threads on the
University of Southampton's forum
This thread is here to help dispel some of the myths surrounding clearing, I am also here to answer any of your questions about going through Clearing, what it is, any worries you have or just any questions about University in general
There are loads more of these threads which you can find
listed below. They are for different subjects and different Universities so please take a look! If you would also like to offer a helping hand, just let us know!
Useful Links: Big Fat List of Clearing Threads on TSR Clearing FAQ 2024UCAS applications and Uni Group discussion threadThe Steps of Going Through Clearing: Step 1: on results day both firm and insurance uni choices reject you.
Or you may have released yourself into clearing after careful consideration that you no longer wish to go to your firm/insurance options and that another opportunity has been found better suited to you! You are in clearing and are given a clearing number.
Step 2: phone up unis you want to apply to and see if you can get a place. This involves stating your clearing number, name, phone number and grades and saying why you want to go to said uni/do said course.
Step 3: if they offer you a place, consider it and wait for an email with confirmation of a place for which you can apply to using UCAS. If successful skip to 5.
Step 4: if unsuccessful repeat step 2-3.
Step 5: consider all places offered by researching and doing a pro/con list for each. Then enter your chosen uni + course into UCAS using your clearing number after you have confirmation of a place being offered by a uni.
Step 6: time to celebrate aka pizza time, you earned it!!
you're off to Uni