The Student Room Group

Can I sue my mother and my doctor?

Four years ago when I was 14 I had a skin infection on my thigh and chest area and my mother took me to the doctor. I had to strip completely naked so the doctor could examine me and the doctor asked if her 12-year-old daughter could stay in the room and watch and my mother gave her permission. Can I sue my doctor and my mother for forcing me to be naked in front of the doctor's daughter?
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by Jellyfish2024
Four years ago when I was 14 I had a skin infection on my thigh and chest area and my mother took me to the doctor. I had to strip completely naked so the doctor could examine me and the doctor asked if her 12-year-old daughter could stay in the room and watch and my mother gave her permission. Can I sue my doctor and my mother for forcing me to be naked in front of the doctor's daughter?


Unfortunately you are four years on since this allegedly happen....
Surprised that your mum actually let this happen.

The GP shouldn't have had anyone else in the room except for another GP or nurse.

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