I have sent a email for the sqa to send me my marks on results but does anyone know how long it takes cause I may appeal afterwards
if you mean like your component breakdown I assume it would be easier and quicker to go through your school- they can then also help in making an informed decision as to wether to appeal or not
if you mean like your component breakdown I assume it would be easier and quicker to go through your school- they can then also help in making an informed decision as to wether to appeal or not
Schools are currently closed right now and I really don’t think my school will be that helpful
Schools are currently closed right now and I really don’t think my school will be that helpful
understandable- I will still contact the school at first chance- if its not a priority appeal you will have some time once you are back to school to make a choice.
understandable- I will still contact the school at first chance- if its not a priority appeal you will have some time once you are back to school to make a choice.
Ty for helping btw see do I contact the school once it is back open - like do I go to that teacher for the specific subject I want the marks to be checked for (sqa emailed back and said they will show me my marks in a month) I can’t wait that long cause I might appeal some subjects if I can
Ty for helping btw see do I contact the school once it is back open - like do I go to that teacher for the specific subject I want the marks to be checked for (sqa emailed back and said they will show me my marks in a month) I can’t wait that long cause I might appeal some subjects if I can
you can go to your headteacher or to the specific subject- the school will knows your marks in all your subjects. my school usually emails them out if not you can call them during this week so im not sure if that's an option for you? if not wait until you go back.